March 26, 2010

Coroplast and Connectors

Got my extra connectors in the mail yesterday! I don't think I need to post a picture of them. xD

Also, today I got my coroplast in from Piggy Bed Spreads. It fits perfectly in my shelf. The coroplast made it feel like it's really happening, I'm getting a pig. When my mom told me alright we can get one, it didn't really feel well real.

You'd think my shelves where made to perfectly  fit a 2x3 C&C cage.  Please ignore all my books and crap on the bottom shelf. Plus all of the cows on the top shelf.

The ferret tunnel that I found. When I found it it was layin around my house brand new.

This is the build-a-bear bed that I have. That little pawprint tag will be cut off before we get the pigs.

This is the garabage can I'll be using as a hay ray. I'll be covering the hole with modified chicken wire so they can't get in, but they can still get the hay!

March 22, 2010

Heating and Cooling

Well I made a heating 'pad' and a cooling 'stick'.

The heating 'pad' is a sock filled with uncooked rice. I used a hair tie to tie it off with, then folded the rest of the sock down over it.

<- This is the sock with just the hair tie.

<- Sock folded over.

This can actually get pretty warm! xD I accidentally put it in the microwave for about 2 mins on accident and it burned my cheek since I was testing the ehat with my face.

The cooler is basically one of those ice-pack sticks that has a bandanna wrapped around it. I also secured this with hair ties.

<- The top side of it I guess. LOOK THERE ARE SHOES IN THE BACKGROUND.

<- Look an arm! This is it pretty much vertical. =/

I haven't tested it's cold ability with the bandanna on it, but I know the ice-pack works. I used to sue the icepack to keep meat warm frozen when we head up to Michigan's Upper Peninsula to camp.

In other news I ordered a coroplast tray from Piggie Bed Spreads! [] I also bought some more cube connectors from Amazon. I doubt that you guys don't know what amazon is. I won't link since it's so common anyway. xD

I also bought a small garbage can from Dollar Tree. I plan on cutting a hole in the bottom, covering it with chicken wire. I'm afraid that chicken wires 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch holes will be to small for hay. So I am going to cut out some of the cross sections of the wire to make the openings 1 inch by 1 inch.

Before I made this stuff I found somethings around my house I could be using. I found a little lap pad I made for my hamsters, a big ferret tunnel, and a build-a-bear dog bed. :) Less money needed on those now, so I can spend more on everything else!

March 13, 2010


Well since I've chosen not to put a description on the blog, I thought I'd make a post about it!

This blog is for tracking my guinea pig progression. We are starting by making our C&C Cage since we don't have a piggie yet. :( Unfortunately we have to wait until June to get the actual piggie, but this gives us time to collect supplies and to work on his/her cage. In June, when we get a piggie, we will be adopting from The Critter Corral Guinea Pig Rescue in Steger, IL. This will be a big decision for us! I can't wait for the rest of March, April, and May to be over with! :D Since we cannot buy things everyday I'll try to find something interesting to post as an update as frequently as possible.