Got my extra connectors in the mail yesterday! I don't think I need to post a picture of them. xD
Also, today I got my coroplast in from Piggy Bed Spreads. It fits perfectly in my shelf. The coroplast made it feel like it's really happening, I'm getting a pig. When my mom told me alright we can get one, it didn't really feel well real.
You'd think my shelves where made to perfectly fit a 2x3 C&C cage. Please ignore all my books and crap on the bottom shelf. Plus all of the cows on the top shelf.
The ferret tunnel that I found. When I found it it was layin around my house brand new.
This is the build-a-bear bed that I have. That little pawprint tag will be cut off before we get the pigs.
This is the garabage can I'll be using as a hay ray. I'll be covering the hole with modified chicken wire so they can't get in, but they can still get the hay!